30 日間無料
Standard | Premium | |
Protect against data loss proactively | ||
Feature | Standard | Premium |
Enforced single sign-on (SSO) ? | Standard ✓ | Premium ✓ |
SCIM automated user provisioning ? | Standard ✓ | Premium ✓ |
Authentication policies ? | Standard ✓ | Premium ✓ |
External user security ? | Standard ✓ | Premium ✓ |
Enforced two-step verification ? | Standard ✓ | Premium ✓ |
Mobile app management (MAM) ? | Standard ✓ | Premium ✓ |
API token controls ? | Standard ✓ | Premium ✓ |
Data security policies ? | Standard ✓ | Premium ✓ |
Data classification ? | Standard - | Premium ✓ |
Enforce data security policies by classification ? | Standard - | Premium ✓ |
Detect and investigate suspicious activity | ||
Feature | Standard | Premium |
Automatic product discovery ? | Standard ✓ | Premium ✓ |
Organization insights ? | Standard ✓ | Premium ✓ |
Organization audit log: Admin activity ? | Standard ✓ | Premium ✓ |
Comprehensive organization audit log: User activity, API tokens, Webhooks ? | Standard - | Premium ✓ |
Anomalous activity detections ? | Standard - | Premium ✓ |
Content scanning ? | Standard - | Premium ✓ |
SIEM integrations ? | Standard - | Premium ✓ |
Alert messaging integrations ? | Standard - | Premium ✓ |
Respond to threats before they become incidents | ||
Feature | Standard | Premium |
Alert investigations ? | Standard - | Premium ✓ |
Actor profiles ? | Standard - | Premium ✓ |
Remediation recommendations ? | Standard - | Premium ✓ |
Remediation workflows ? | Standard - | Premium ✓ |
Alert hand-off ? | Standard - | Premium ✓ |
See Atlassian Guard in action
Atlassian Access の機能
すべての管理対象ユーザーに SSO(シングル・サインオン)を強制すると、企業の既存の ID プロバイダーを使って Atlassian クラウド製品を認証できます。つまり、ユーザー名とパスワードだけではなく、より安全な認証方法を使いながら、同じ認証情報で複数のツールにアクセスできるのです。 |
SCIM のプロビジョニングとプロビジョニング解除でユーザーのライフサイクル管理を自動化します。Atlassian クラウド製品へのアクセスは、外部ディレクトリに設定されたルールによって定義されます。 ユーザープロビジョニングによって、従業員が入社または別のチームに異動する際にアプリケーションのアクセス権を付与する手作業を減らせます。 |
管理者は、認証ポリシーを設定して、セッション期間、SSO(シングル・サインオン)、パスワード・ポリシー、2 段階認証を管理できます。複数のポリシーを作成し、管理対象アカウントのさまざまなサブセットに適用できます。 |
2 段階認証の強制設定は、認証ポリシーの一部として適用でき、それによって、組織のユーザーには、Atlassian クラウド製品にログインしてアクセスするための 2 段階認証が求められます。 |
MAM(モバイル・アプリ管理)を使用して、管理対象ユーザーと管理対象外ユーザーの両方に適用できるセキュリティ・ポリシーを作成および管理します。ポリシーは、スクリーンショットの無効化、データ・エクスポートの制限、デバイスの暗号化要件など、追加のセキュリティ制御を提供するために、組織レベルで設定することも、一部のユーザーを対象にすることもできます。 |
組織内の管理対象ユーザーが Atlassian クラウド製品全体でいつインスタンスを作成するかを特定することによって、シャドー IT を可視化します。自動製品検出により、製品管理者、およびその製品を使用しているユーザーの数が特定されます。 |
アトラシアンのクラウド組織で実行される管理者アクティビティの包括的なログを確認する方法をご覧ください。組織の監査ログには、管理者が誰で、管理者アクティビティでは何をいつ行ったかがわかるため、不審な行動を簡単に追跡し、特定できます。 |
Atlassian Access を CASB と統合して、アトラシアンのログインと管理アクティビティの完全な記録をキャプチャします。ユーザー認証情報の漏えい、パスワードの運用の不適切さ、特権過多のアカウントによる内部からの脅威など、一般的な脅威から保護します。 McAfee MVISION または Microsoft Defender CASB の接続について詳細をご覧ください。 |
Enforced single sign-on (SSO)

注: 簡略化のため、この表には 5,000 ユーザーまでしか記載していません。Access のユーザー数は無制限です。5,000 ユーザーを超える年間価格を計算するには、価格シミュレーターをご利用ください。
SCIM automated user provisioning

Automate user lifecycle management with SCIM provisioning and de-provisioning. Access to Atlassian cloud products will be defined by rules set in your external directory.
Authentication policies

Admins can set authentication policies to manage session duration, single sign-on (SSO), password policies, and two-step verification. Multiple policies can be created and applied to different subsets of managed accounts.
External user security

An external user policy allows you to apply security settings, including two-step verification, to external users. The settings apply to all the external users in your Atlassian organization.
Mobile app management (MAM)

Create and manage security policies that can be applied to both managed and unmanaged users with mobile app management (MAM). Policies can be set at the organization level, or designated for select users to provide additional security controls such as screenshot disabling, data export restrictions and device encryption requirements
API token controls

Admins have greater visibility and control over API token management and its lifecycle. This includes controlling which users can create an API token to access data and viewing which users are creating and revoking API tokens.
Data security policies

A data security policy helps you keep your organization’s data secure. Create policies to govern how users, apps, and people outside of your organization can interact with content such as Confluence pages and Jira issues.
Data classification

Data classification allows admins to define their data governance approach and label critical data accordingly within Atlassian products. Admins can set data security policies and rules to control user interaction based on data classification level.
Enforce data security policies by classification

Use data classification levels as a coverage in your data security policy. Create policies to govern how users, apps, and people outside of your organization can interact with content such as Confluence pages and Jira issues.
Use data classification to set additional rules within your data security policy, including: "Block Export" rule in Confluence and Jira, “Anonymous Access” rule in Jira, and “Block Public Links” rule in Confluence using classification.
Automatic product discovery

Gain visibility into shadow IT by discovering when managed users in your organization create instances across Atlassian cloud products. Automatic product discovery identifies the product administrator and how many users are using these products.
Organization insights
Admins can achieve better visibility into the usage of their Atlassian products and make more data-driven decisions when it comes to increasing adoption or optimizing their products' ROI.
Organization audit log: Admin activity
A centralized log of admin activity across your Atlassian cloud organization. Gain a full view of the who, what, and when of admin activity to help track and identify any suspicious behavior. Using APIs, integrate with your third party tools, such as a CASB.
Comprehensive organization audit log: User activity, API tokens, Webhooks
A comprehensive log of org admin, product admin, and user activity that takes place in the Atlassian cloud organization. This provides organization admins with visibility into activities like which managed users have created an API token or what organizational resources are being accessed by managed and external users via API tokens. Audit log webhooks are customized HTTP callbacks that trigger in response to audit log events.
Anomalous activity detections

Anomalous activity detections provide intelligent oversight across your Atlassian cloud products by analyzing user activity and notifying you of potential risks. These queries search activity logs and alert you to any potentially concerning activity that requires review.
Content scanning

Content scanning detection rules monitor for critical data being added to Confluence pages. These detections generate alerts for any potentially concerning content that requires review.
SIEM integrations

Using webhooks, send alerts about anomalous activity to any destination, including your organization-wide SIEM or an automation tool like Jira Automation, Zapier, or Workato.
Alert messaging integrations

Integrate alert messages to your organization-wide tools like Slack, Microsoft Teams, and more.
Alert investigations

Alert investigations gives admins or security teams a consolidated view of potentially risky activity. Investigate the alert with details on what happened, which account was involved, other recent alerts tied to this account, and remediation options.
Actor profiles

Access detailed user data by clicking into an actor profile directly from an alert to see a consolidated view of a user’s activity. On a single page, you can see a user’s role, location, recent activity, and a full list of their audit log alerts.
Remediation workflows

If suspicious behavior is detected, an organization admin can take action using the remediation recommendation to follow the suggested workflow and address a threat. Admins have the ability to immediately suspend a user's account directly from the alert dashboard.
Remediation recommendations

Respond to alerts faster with the ability to suspend a user’s account directly from the alert dashboard. Based on the actions logged in the dashboard, remediation options are recommended with actionable next steps.
Alert hand-off

Connect an alert to Jira through the create issue button.
Questions about Atlassian Guard billing?
Visit our billing and licensing page for details.
Enforced two-step verification

Enforced two-step verification can be applied as part of an authentication policy. This requires the users in an organization to turn on two-step verification in order to log in and access their Atlassian cloud products.