Cloud costs and migration incentives
We’ll help you estimate your costs on Data Center, and how much your team can win back by migrating to Cloud. If you’re a technical admin or billing admin, use our personalized calculator to get a more detailed estimate or see our migration incentives.
Save with migration incentives
Learn if you’re eligible to save on your Cloud migration by taking advantage of the following incentives from Atlassian.
Save on unused Data Center maintenance contracts
Get a credit toward your annual Cloud subscription, which covers the prorated value of unused self-managed maintenance contracts.
Avoid double-paying for Data Center and Cloud
Purchase an annual Cloud subscription with 1,001+ users, and we’ll extend your self-managed subscription for up to one year free.

Atlassian can help you figure out your eligibility for migration discounts
Migration discounts FAQs
The information on this page contains forward-looking statements, which involve uncertainties when providing estimated effective dates. All forward-looking statements involve known and unknown risks, uncertainties, and are subject to change.